Thursday, November 1, 2007

Randomized cooking

This is tres mundane, but...

I am making a giant vat of pasta sauce right now (what can I say, we can't cook in small quantities,) and I came to realize that I always stir pots/sauces/batter/paint/what have you clockwise.

Much like that spinning dancer...

Which made me wonder - so most people stir clockwise? Only right-handed people? Only right-brained people?

I mean, I pass counter-clock-wise every once in a while for variety, but not 90% of the time.

Please comment...

1 comment:

Anna said...

I gotta say, this sounds like a nurture rather than nature thing to me. I stir like my foremothers before me - once clockwise, once counter-clockwise, then once through the middle, repeat endlessly. I also keep scraping down from the sides. My husband stirs exactly the opposite - messy, only one direction, and half of it ends up caked on the sides of the pot. Can you tell I'm not a fan of that style? Lol.