Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18

A friend's post on Facebook made me feel I don't post enough pics of my fluffies, and I need to remedy that, stat.

March 3

March 2

March 4

March 1

So I am sitting at Beehive, and I notice a very familiar bottle on the shelf. A bottle I haven't seen in at least 20 years, but one that was always in our home growing up. It's Riga Balsam, and it was only available when someone traveled to Latvia and brought a present. We usually put in in coffee, like you do with cognac and brandy. And the crafty people would turn the bottle into a vase to gift.

So I tell all that to the barkeep, and he makes a lovely experimental drink with it. It tastes like the woods and the sea. Turns out he doesn't know why the bottle is there, he's never seen it before. We all learned something new that night, and I will definitely be back for a funky Riga Balsam again.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Feb 28

I am working backwards. Since all pics are date stamped, I'd rather put them up ;)

This was a lovely walk from book club that night. Winter is fickle here, and it was gorgeous weather.

Friday, March 8, 2013

March 8

Boo. I skipped a week. Sometimes working 14 hrs a day really puts a cramp in your style. So in honor of International Women's Day, I present new snow brush and snow shovel! They are both made in Canada, have telescoping handles for easy storage in the trunk, and were quite necessary today!!!